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  Thursday, 18 January 2024
  1 Replies
  379 Visits
I have read on this website, that if one wants to follow the direct path (and not the spiral path), meat-eating is a requirement:

"There are many masters from Nirvana (the spiral path) who eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, and that is conducive to their path. There are other masters who want to work with greater expediency (on the direct path, the path of the bodhisattva, also called tantra). Therefore, they consume some portions of red meat that contains the element fire (tattva tejas). This is necessary in order to practice white tantra (alchemy)."

Meanwhile, I came across this passage in the manusmriti
One can never obtain meat without causing injury to living beings... he should, therefore, abstain from meat. Reflecting on how meat is obtained and on how embodied creatures are tied up and killed, he should quit eating any kind of meat... The man who authorizes, the man who butchers, the man who slaughters, the man who buys or sells, the man who cooks, the man who serves, and the man who eats – these are all killers. There is no greater sinner than a man who, outside of an offering to gods or ancestors, wants to make his own flesh thrive at the expense of someone else's.

— Manusmriti, 5.48-5.52

can someone please help me reconcile these two viewpoints?
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Red meat (in moderation) and seafood create the effect within our temple. Too much red meat will make your body feel lazy; at most eat it only 2-3 times a week.
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Red meat (in moderation) and seafood create the effect within our temple. Too much red meat will make your body feel lazy; at most eat it only 2-3 times a week.
Almustafa selected the reply #30319 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
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